ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent Script by Cookie Consent
iCodes UK
A standardized codes and offers feed from across 9 affiliate networks
1040 live codes | 3879 live offers

iCodes Plugin

Official iCodes Plugin and Theme (Lite Version)

A wordpress plugin and theme with no importing required to display codes and offers from.. 



New in version v2.5 (updated 2021-02-07): Highlights Offers and Codes seperately on merchants page

Download... (Both plugin and theme required)

Plugin >> https://icodes.uk/download/OiP_Lite.zip (v2.5)
Theme >> https://icodes.uk/download/icodes_lite.zip (v2.5)

Note:  In your iCodes control panel please make sure you have selected merchants and input your affiliate id's to ensure the plugin works correctly.

Installation and Setup Instructions...

Plugins > Add New > Install and activate OiP Lite
Appearance > Themes > Install and activate iCodes Lite

OiP Lite > Settings > Select location and insert your iCodes username and subID.
Appearance > Menus > Add the auto generated Home, Offers to your menu. 
Appearance > Customize > Static Front Page > Set 'Home' as a static front page.
Settings > Permalinks > Set to Post Name

[offers] < Also activates the site to include OFFERS
Generates pages of offers (paged navigation)

Generates a text list of Stores with Offers (alphabet navigation)

Generates a text list of Stores with Offers (paged navigation)

Generates a logo list of Stores with Offers (paged navigation)

Generates a list of random store logos with offers (amount specified in Settings)

Generates a list of Stores with Offers logos by Category (Category specified in shortcod

Generates a list of Stores with Offers logos by ICID (ICID specified in shortcode)

Additional Shortcode parameters.. (Will override admin area settings)

icid = "######" (iCodes Unique Identifiers.. seperated by commas for multiples)
category = "Numeric" (iCodes category)
size="###" (Size of images in pixels)
num="##" (Amount of images.. max of 50)
fluid="yes" (Changes size of image in relation to available screen space)

Example shortcodes with additional parameters.

[offers_category cat="19" num="5" size="150" fluid="yes"]

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